Monday, November 12, 2012

Lil miss E | Connersville Area Newborn Photographer

Emery's newborn session was one of my favorite sessions to date. She was such an easy baby to photograph and seh is just so precious. I cannot wait to photograph her more!!!

Itty bitty baby feet...LOVE!

It was such a beautiul day outside and the second we took Emery out, she fell fast asleep.  She definetly enjoyed the warm fall day!

 My favorite...I may not have mentioned it, but Emery's momma is one of my very best friends.  Emery is a miracle we all prayed for and she has truely been a blessing to her family. 

1 comment:

  1. ahhhhhh....i don't have some of these! :) I'll trade you for K's blanket. :) I'm so glad you were there!
